What is the highest salary of a finance manager?


Finance managers are responsible for the financial aspects of an organization. They oversee financial activities such as payment processing, budgeting, accounting, and reporting. The salary of a finance manager varies on the basis of the type of organization he or she is working in, location, etc.

The salary of an individual as a finance manager varies on the basis of the type of organization he or she is working in, the location of the organization, and the years of experience.

The salary of an individual as a finance manager varies on the basis of the type of organization he or she is working in, the location of the organization, and the years of experience.

  • The size of your company: If you are working at a small-scale firm with less than 100 employees, then it is unlikely that you will be paid more than $100K per year. However, if you work in one that has more than 2,000 employees and has been around for at least 5 years then there might be chances where your salary can go up by 30% or even more!
  • Location: People who live in cities tend to earn higher salaries than those who live in rural areas because they have access to better opportunities such as higher paying jobs that require special skillsets like financial planning etcetera

For example, a finance manager working in a large private firm can earn approximately $200,000 per year.

You may be wondering how much a finance manager makes. The salary of a finance manager depends on the location and size of the company. For example, a finance manager working in a large private firm can earn approximately $200,000 per year.

The average annual salary for all industries is $127,990 ($97,796 for men and $138,857 for women). However, this number does not include benefits; so if you're considering switching careers or starting your own business you'll want to check out our guide on how much money it takes to make it as an entrepreneur!

When comparing these figures with other professions such as physicians or lawyers—both fields where it's common knowledge that there are very few female practitioners—it becomes clear why many people still feel uncomfortable about entering into fields like these: even though women are making up half of society today (and will continue growing faster than our male counterparts), they still face discrimination at work when looking forward towards tomorrow's future career path!

In the case of a person who is a CFO for a private group with more than $1 billion in revenue, his salary may be in excess of $900,000 annually.

If you are looking for the average salary of a CFO, then it is around $900,000 per year. In the case of a person who is a CFO for a private group with more than $1 billion in revenue, his salary may be in excess of $900,000 annually.

The same logic applies to public companies as well where the average compensation package for CEOs and other top executives is approximately $1 million per year. Even if your company does not have enough money to pay such salaries immediately, you can always leverage your skillset and negotiate with them later on once they start seeing results from their investments on your behalf (like increased sales).

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average salary for a finance manager was $127,990 per year as of May 2016.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average salary for a finance manager was $127,990 per year as of May 2016. The BLS also tracks data from the US Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Bureau of Economic Analysis. This information makes up their "Occupational Employment Statistics" report which shows how many people are employed in various professions across America.

However, it should be noted that not all occupations are tracked by BLS and therefore may not be included here. For example, healthcare practitioners such as physical therapists or respiratory therapists aren't tracked by this report because they're not considered part-time jobs by themselves; instead, they're considered "professional services," which means they fall under another category altogether—public administration & social services sector."

This estimate is based on more than 11,500 people who were employed as financial managers at that time.

The BLS data is based on a survey of more than 11,500 people who were employed as financial managers at that time. It’s collected every year and updated regularly. The information includes both public and private sector organizations, so you can expect that the salary range will be fairly broad (as long as your job falls under the finance department).

There are many sources that reveal the salaries of finance managers.

There are many sources that reveal salaries of finance managers.

  • The first source is the LinkedIn salary report, which was released in February 2019 by Jobvite, a company that provides data on the jobs market and career management tools for companies. According to this report, the median base salary for finance managers was $83K per year (as compared with $90K overall).
  • Another popular source is Glassdoor's survey results on best-paying jobs as well as top spots in terms of average salaries across all industries and occupations worldwide - including finance roles! In particular: * Finance Manager: Average Salary = $139k/year; Jobs Available = 1196 - New York City Area - Men & Women Both Needed; Gender Diversity Ratio Is Equal For Both Men And Women Candidates On This Job Title.

Payscale.com lists $112,096 as the average finance manager's salary.

Payscale.com lists $112,096 as the average finance manager's salary. The job satisfaction rating is 3.6 out of 5 and there are 1,000+ employees at the company.

The average tenure for a finance manager is less than 7 years and they get an average bonus percentage of 10%.

The pay depends on the size and location of the company along with your skill set and experience

The pay depends on the size and location of the company along with your skillset and experience. The average finance manager's salary ranges from $97,000 per year in small businesses to $165,000 at large corporations.

In addition to a high salary, you can expect other perks such as:

  • Job security – You will be working for a stable company that has been around for years (or decades) if you choose this career path. They have an established reputation which means they're less likely to shut down unexpectedly than newer companies would be. This makes it easier for employees with families who want something stable in their lives without having fear about losing their job due to economic circumstances like unemployment rates which are still high today despite efforts made by government agencies such as Federal Reserve Board."


The highest salary of a finance manager can vary based on several factors. The type of company, where you're working, how long you've been around, and what your salary history has been. Let's take a look at these factors and find out the average highest salaries for finance managers in ALL industries.

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