What is the salary for a finance professional in the UK?


Finance is a very lucrative career that requires a lot of education, experience, and hard work. A finance professional's salary will depend on his or her experience and the region he or she works in. So, you can expect to earn a fair amount of money if you have been working as an investment banker for a long time. However, if you are new and just started out in this field then your salary will not be as high but it will increase year by year as you gain more experience.


Accountants are in high demand across the UK, and they're paid well for their work. The average salary is £30,000 per year, but accountants can make up to £100k+ if they're really good at what they do. In addition to this, accountants typically receive bonuses of around 3% - 4% of their annual salary (or more). If you're looking to enter into this profession or want some advice on where else you could go next with it then read on!

Senior Accountant

The salary for a senior accountant is £30,000-£40,000. The average salary for this position is £35,000.

The salary range for this role includes a salary of £30k - £40k with an average of £35k per year

Finance Administrator

Finance Administrator

The finance administrator is the person who keeps track of your company’s finances. They manage cash flow, budgets, and budgets for different departments in the company. The job description includes:

  • Financial analysis and forecasting
  • Planning and budgeting
  • Writing reports about incoming or outgoing payments (such as invoices)

Finance Analyst

A finance analyst is a financial advisor who specializes in the analysis and planning of financial strategies. Finance analysts are responsible for creating reports that include data, charts, tables, and graphs to help decision-makers understand how their organization's finances work and make decisions about them. They also provide advice regarding capital structure and debt financing options within organizations or industries. Finance analysts often work closely with other company employees such as accountants or auditors in order to understand how different aspects of an organization's financials affect its operations.

Financial controller

A financial controller is responsible for the overall management of a company's financial affairs. This can include such things as monitoring a company’s expenses and revenues, analyzing data to determine if there are any problems with the business model, and determining whether or not it makes sense for the company to take on more debt. A financial controller will also be in charge of making sure that all aspects of your accounting system are working properly so that you don't have any issues later on down the line when it comes time for tax season (which we'll discuss later).

The salary range for this position varies depending on where you live—but even though most people might assume that being a financial controller means earning more money than other jobs within similar industries do (like accounting), this isn't necessarily true! In fact, many people who work as accountants earn less than those who work as CPAs or auditors; however, if you want something outside what society considers "boring" then maybe becoming an accountant isn't such a bad idea after all.

Financial manager

Financial managers are responsible for managing finance and accounting, as well as reviewing company performance. You'll need to have strong skills in financial management, including forecasting, budgeting, and forecasting.

Salary ranges from £40k - £60k per year depending on your qualifications and experience. The salary will also depend on the size of your company; if it's small you might earn more than someone working at a large organization where resources are more limited.

Investment banker

Investment bankers are people who help companies raise money by issuing and selling securities. They also help companies buy other companies or merge with them. Investment bankers help companies issue bonds and stocks, then sell them to investors.

In order to be a successful investment banker, you need:

  • A good education in economics or business (or both)
  • Experience working in an office environment

Senior financial analyst

A Senior Financial Analyst (SFA) is a highly skilled finance professional who develops and manages financial statements. They work with internal and external stakeholders to develop accounting policies, budgets, forecasts, and other financial information that can be used by management as they make decisions on how best to allocate resources within the company.

Senior Financial Analysts also assist in analyzing performance by providing advice on strategic initiatives; reporting on key indicators such as profitability; compiling data from external sources such as industry reports or consultants; developing key assumptions for models used during the forecasting process so that appropriate action plans can be formulated when necessary based on these results

Know about salary

  • Salary range:

The salary range can vary depending on the industry, the level of education and experience, as well as personal factors like age. A finance professional with five years' experience may be paid more than one with 10 years of experience in the same field. The average annual salary for a finance professional is approximately £30,000 per annum (or $44,000).


The finance industry and finance jobs are some of the most sought-after in today's modern world. As more businesses become global and technology advances, more companies have adopted financial processes. From a civil point of view, finance professionals ensure close communication between seller and buyer, as well as any other parties involved in the process. The more there is advanced technology combined with communication tools, the more requirements go up for finance jobs.

As we have previously discussed, the world of finance is one that is diverse, complex, and ever-changing. However, there are some core competencies of a professional within this field that should be covered by every applicant for the position. These core competencies need to be clearly outlined on an applicant's resume so that your potential employer can assess your background and experience and make an informed decision as to whether or not you'll be a good fit for their company.

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